An invitation to contribute to THE WORKSHOP SCHOLARSHIP FUND

I have set up a scholarship solidarity fund to connect folks in my ecosystem in a way that allows everybody to thrive, and invites everybody to show up and embody generosity. The scholarship solidarity fund will allow me to create workshop experiences that are accessible and make space for students who may not have access in other ways. This solidarity fund will allow me to offer discounted (half price or full price) workshop spots for queer, trans, BIPOC, low-income, disabled, or otherwise multiply marginalized folks who cannot afford the full price of the workshop. The amount I raise will directly impact how many scholarship seats I can offer per workshop, and will allow me to continue to offer sliding scale pricing.

Workshop experiences are important and necessary ways to share skills, pass on knowledge, and build community. Your contribution is a way that you can tangibly participate in a tiny creative solidarity economy, which will allow folks in my little ecosystem - me, students, patrons, artists, and community members - to be fairly compensated, to support and care for one another, and to have access to + sustain the arts.

colorful handmade papers drying on wooden boards

If you wish to donate to this ongoing scholarship fund, click on the “Donate” button above. Alternatively, If you’d like to avoid processing/transaction fees for both you and me, feel free to Venmo me @stephrue with “scholarship fund” in the note.